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Tibetan Yogis On Film

March 3rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Filed under: Practice

Here are three film clips of Tibetan Bhuddist masters and students on the practice path of the yogi.

I love these clips, and maybe I can find the whole DVD somewhere. The narrative I find beautifully articulate and expressive of teachings familiar to practitioners.

(With gratitude to the original poster at YouTube.)

Clip 3 is an ocean of practice accomplishment, face after face of mind on the path of perfection. The final three faces in clip 3 are:


When I watched these clips the meaning of “self-secret” seemed very evident to me. Especially when I read the comments at YouTube – always an exercise in generating the optimism necessary to prevail over despair. One person thought the practitioners in clip 3 were just stoned. But practitioners recognize mind intent on practice.

I thought about self-secret, how wisdom and knowledge present themselves to us when we open to them. When closed to the discovery we can stare for an eternity at what’s in front of us and never see it.

How wonderfully accomplished these people are! I wish I had the karma to have the fortune to meet the circumstances to follow this path, and then to have the character to follow it with such devotion. I have neither.

But the wonderful thing about understanding karma, and the teachings of the Dharma, is knowing that we can get the karma we don’t have. So I can aim my path with faltering steps towards the accumulation of merit sufficient to bring me to this terrible and auspicious stage.

Ah, may we all soon become enlightened together 🙂

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 tenzin // Dec 28, 2011 at 11:45 am

    gem of a video, plz update if you find the full video. More information about the yogis would be great.

  • 2 Dushyant Angrish // Mar 27, 2013 at 12:59 am

    Please notify me if there is any yoga course by revered masters.

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